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  • 91) The prosperity motif has run through a whole gamut of Ohiorenoya 1999 Faith for All Life's Storms-Benson Idahosa 1992 Benson Idahosa, as Kalu (2008) puts it so succinctly: by the 1980s, his theology was developing some of the themes from T.L.Osborn as Idahosa waxed strong with prosperity motifs that sounded like music in the ears of those who had just come out from the civil war. Iyawe 1999 Why Archbishop Benson Idahosa Died-Mike A. Richard Obasuyi 199? Your Rights In Christ-Chris Oyakhilome 2011 I Choose to Change-Benson Idahosa Archbishop Benson Idahosa-Vincent I. L.Faith and Works and Success-Benson Idahosa Archbishop Benson A. As the first Pentecostal archbishop in Nigeria, he was renowned for his robust faith. Benson Andrew Idahosa (SeptemMarch 12, 1998) affectionately called PAPA or BA by his followers, was a Charismatic Pentecostal preacher, and founder of the Church of God Mission International with headquarters in Benin City, Nigeria (1).

    Rocketchat dark mode